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Jobs, Salaries, and the News of cyber security
in this article we will  talk about the world of cyber security jobs, exploring the various positions available, their cyber security job sa...
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Decoding Vulnerabilities: Navigating the world of Social Engineering
Why do cyber attackers commonly use social engineering attacks The digital landscape is a battlefield. In one corner stand defenders, fortif...
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Nmap Essentials: Understanding the Basics of Network Discovery
Introduction before getting started you need to learn firstly what is Nmap before delving into this article  you can find all you need to ha...
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Exploring Networks Safely with Nmap
 Introduction to Nmap : An Overview Nmap, known as "Network Mapper," is like a virtual detective for computer networks. Think of i...
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Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: Protecting Your Digital Communication
Introduction Imagine you're chatting with a friend online, sending messages back and forth, discussing your weekend plans or sharing fun...
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SQL Injection: Database Vulnerabilities for Unauthorized Access
Defending Against SQL Injection: Types and Risks SQL injection is a type of cybersecurity attack that targets databases through maliciousl...
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Protocols : delving into differents types of protocols
What is a protocol A protocol is a set of rules or guidelines that govern the communication between devices or systems.   These rules defi...
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